
Clementine Player

A couple of years back, I was a big fan of Amarok, the music player. Then came along a rewrite and version 2.0, and I also switched to OS X. The version 2.0 was not very nice, stable or useful. The OS X version was very hard to install, due to the KDE dependencies. So I ditched Amarok. I replaced it with CogX for a while, and now I am using the horrid iTunes and the wonderful mpd (together with MPoD and Theremin). But today I read about the Clementine Player. It's a cross platform Amarok 1.4 fork. And after 10 minutes of testing, I think it's wonderful!


Emacs: Convert current buffer to utf-8

I just opened an old TeX file, which was still encoded in latin1. Now I wanted to re-save it as utf-8 in Emacs. This turns out to be very simple, as someone on #emacs at freenode told me. Just hit C-x RET f, and type utf-8 RET. On the next save (C-x C-s), the file will be written as utf-8.